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Am I a Candidate for Invisalign?

Am I a Candidate for Invisalign?Nowadays, Invisalign is a covetable orthodontic treatment, as it allows you to straighten your teeth with virtually no one knowing. Clear plastic aligners are comfortable and easy to wear and clean. Perhaps you are asking yourself the question: “Am I a candidate for Invisalign?” If you are unsure, read on to find out.

What Problems Can Invisalign Fix?

•    Gapped teeth
Gaps in the teeth can leave your gums vulnerable to gum disease, which affects roughly half of all American adults. Invisalign can correct minor gaps in teeth.

•    Overcrowded mouth
The opposite problem of gapped teeth is overly crowded teeth. Severely crooked teeth can make brushing and cleaning your teeth difficult and result in accumulation of plaque, potential gum disease and tooth decay. If your mouth simply does not have room for all of your teeth, yes is the answer to the question am I a candidate for Invisalign?

•    Overbite
When the top teeth extend over the bottom ones, it can result in a painful jaw or even TMJ. Your gums can get irritated, and your lower teeth may get worn down as a result.

•    Underbite
This is the opposite of an overbite and can also wear the teeth down and result in jaw or joint pain.

•    Open bite
This problem arises when the upper and lower teeth do not make contact with each other when the mouth is closed. It can lead to chewing discomfort and speech impediments.

•    Crossbite
When both the upper and lower arc of teeth is off-centered, it results in a crossbite. Gum disease and bone deterioration are possible outcomes of this issue.

Perhaps after reading this, you are still asking the question, “Am I a candidate for Invisalign?” If so, schedule a consultation with our expert in Invisalign to discover if you qualify for Invisalign treatment.